Price list, plant list, catalogue, offer
Agaves: Agave, Yucca,
Ascleps: Duvalia, Huernia, Orbea, Piaranthus, Pseudolithos, Stapelia,
African bulbs: Albuca, Drimia, Drimiopsis, Ledebouria, Nerine, Ornithogalum, …,
Cactuses, Cacti: Astrophytum, Gymnocalycium, Sulcorebutia, …,
Crassulas: Adromischus, Aeonium, Cotyledon, Crassula, Tylecodon,
Haworthias & Co.: Aloe, Astroloba, Gasteria, Haworthia,
Other plants: Bulbine, Othonna, Senecio, Puya, Dasylirion, Euphorbia, …,
More offers: Book set, 40 Haworthias (visually different)
The eden-plants nursery of
Ingo Breuer offers
cacti and other succulent plants
in the online shop and the price list.
Hints on ordering (general terms, paying, world-wide delivery).
Species from our offer
Acanthocalycium Adromischus Aeonium Agave Aichyrison Albuca
Aloe Amaryllis Anacampseros Ariocarpus Astroloba Astrophytum Avonia
Aylostera Bulb Bulbine Ceropegia Chasmanthe Cissus Copiapoa Coryphantha
Cotyledon Crassula Crinum Cyclamen Cyrtanthus Dasylirion Dipcardia
Drimia Drimiopsis Duvalia Echeveria Echinocactus Echinocereus Echinofossulocactus
Echinopsis Encephalocarpus Epithelantha Escobaria Espostoa Eucomis Euphorbia
Ferocactus Fockea Gasteria Gasterworthia Geohintonia Graptopetalum Gymnocactus
Gymnocalycium Haemanthus Hamatocactus Haworthia Hoodia Huernia Hypoxis Lachenalia
Ledebouria Leuchtenbergia Lobivia Lophophora Mammillaria
Mammillopsis Matucana Mediolobivia Mesemb Navajoa Neochilenia Neoporteria Nerine
Notechinopsis Notocactus Obregonia Orbea Oreocereus Ornithogalum Othonna Parodia
Pelecyphora Piaranthus Pleiospilos Pseudolithos Pseudolobivia Pseudoprospero
Puya Pyrrhocactus Rebutia Sarcocaulon Schwantesia Scilla Sedum Senecio Soehrensia
Solisia Stapelia Strombocactus Submatucana Sulcorebutia Talinum Tephrocactus
Thelocactus Trichocereus Tridentea Tulbaghia Turbinicarpus Tylecodon Veltheimia
Weingarteria Wigginsia Yucca
Beside a large offer of Haworthias
and other leaf succulents, the assortment of cacti
and African bulbs will be enlarged continuously,
whereas the Sulcorebutias and rarer Mexican cacti will be the main fraction within
the cacti.
All plants of our assortment can be withstand cooler temperatures (6°C) during the
winter. They are grown in pure mineral substrate (pumice) and most of them are grown
on own roots, developing robust plants.